
MAME Plus! Plus Kaillera v0.137u2

MAME Plus! Plus Kaillera v0.137u2 is released. MAME Plus! Plus Kaillera is a version of MAME with Kaillera support for online gaming against others.

Download: mameppk_bin_gcc-0.137u2


  1. Best build IMHO. Thanks!

  2. It all well and good adding the latest games from the latest MAME but the problem is that none of the bloody Neo-Geo games get added as available for online use. The only game I got out of all my roms as playable is KOF2000 and that was on the last build r1.

    Can somebody make a MAMEXT Kaillera with the MAME Plus 2XSal and the others graphic controls? MAMEXT works with all roms as well as has them listed as available like Plus is supposted to do but doesn't which makes Plus a washed out peice of crap and MAMEXTKaillera the future.

    It's either that or fix MAME Plus to list the games as available. Worst of all you are able to play the unavailables in MAMEPlus but you can't do the online modes. MAMEXT has them all listed as working so therefore its the best for online.


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