
EDecrypt v1.4.0

EDecrypt v1.4.0 is released.EDecrypt is a simple tool to decrypt / patch file and prx EBOOT.bin. This release adds to the program, the keys of the recent firmware 6.10, a logging system to file and decrypt a faster method that can process multiple files at once.

How to use
1. Copy EDecrypt folder to ms0:/PSP/GAME
2. Copy encrypted file(s) to ms0:/enc/
3. Execute EDecrypt on PSP
4. Press X to decrypt file(s) or [] to decrypt and patch file(s) for m33

EDecrypt v1.4.0 Changelog:
- added key for tag 0xD91613F0 (Thanks to hrimfaxi)

Download: EDecrypt v1.4.0


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