
M.U.G.E.N v1.0 RC 8

EmuCR: M.U.G.E.NM.U.G.E.N v1.0 RC 8 is released.M.U.G.E.N is a 2D fighting game engine, originally released in 1999. M.U.G.E.N is designed to be highly customizable, allowing very fine control over each character's behavior, as well as allowing customization of almost all screen elements.

The majority of content created for M.U.G.E.N tends to be distributed as individual characters, stages or motifs. Assembling a game is as simple as downloading the content of your choice, and configuring M.U.G.E.N to know about it.

M.U.G.E.N is designed to be used by people with little or no programming experience, but with some artistic talent and patience to learn. Of course, having some programming background does give you a bit of a headstart. However, if you are just looking to play with downloaded content, all you need to know is how to unzip files and edit a text file.

M.U.G.E.N v1.0 RC 8 Changelog:
Engine Changes

* Merged EX + alpha audio system into main RC line.
* BG: tilespacing is now a required parameter for tiled anim BG elements. Setting any tilespacing argument to 0 will disable tiling in that axis (prevents problems with 2002 BGs that have incorrect tilespacing).
* CNS: Added StageVar trigger with basic functionality for checking stage name and author.

Bug Fixes

* BG: Fixed paral not working with compressed sprites
* BG: Fixed paral BGs drawn at incorrect y position at certain resolutions.
* CNS: fixed InGuardDist trigger incorrectly returning 0 during enemy attacks when projectiles outside guard distance exist.
* CNS: Fixed PlayerPush coordspace height bug.
* Fixed physics precision error in certain situations.
* Fixed software rendering sprite scaling position accuracy.
* Fixed player SelfAnim drawn with incorrect offset scaling when in temporary state.
* Removed common1.cns stand state pos y < 0 detection for compatibility reasons.
* Font v2: fixed bank palette using palettes in the order added to the sff, instead of the actual palette item number.
* Fixed problem where program would not start on some older Windows installs.
* Fixed mouse pointer not reappearing after switching out of fullscreen mode by Alt-Enter or task switch.
* Fixed AllPalFX green and blue fields being ignored.
* Fixed system explods not getting reset before mode select and character select screens.
* Fixed cutscene to not adjust BGM path if the filename is empty.
* Fixed sound volume and panning bugs.
* Fixed volumescale bug.
* Fixed victory screen showing after quick VS.
* Fixed mode select repeating sound during fade in.


* Fixed sprmake2 crash on pal.discardduplicates=0.

Download: M.U.G.E.N v1.0 RC 8


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