
GameEx v11.10

EmuCR:GameEx GameEx v11.10 is released. GameEx is a graphical DirectX based front-end for MAME, Zinc, Daphne, PC Games, and all command line based game emulators, along with being a good Home Theatre PC solution. It also makes a good CarPC and touchscreen frontend. The original goal was for it to be used on Windows XP Media Center and Arcade Cabinets although it will run on any version of Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP and Vista.For just $25 (USD) you can too unlock the full potential of the front end.

GameEx v11.10 Changelog:
This release would not be possible without the work from Ben Baker (AKA Headkase) who helped me implement most of this and also tirelessly converted the 3D files.

GameEx now supports 3D Cabinet files as an optional MAME artwork. You wil find a pretty big file on the web site with all the currently available ones. Setup is by just simply setting the path. The GameEx demo also no includes some samples. GameEx will display and animate the 3d models when available.

Id also like to mention that credit for these files should also go to folks working on the 3D arcade front end, which is where they came from in there original format. If you like something a bit different Id recommend checking out the 3D arcade front end. It was very much ahead of its time.

In other changes, there have been a few little cosmetic enhancments here and there and in addition to GameLauncher mode there is a new "Simple" user interface mode which basically hides the menus and give full operation without them. Allowing easy browsing and paging. For people who were experiencing crashes when using the video player and HTML applications, I think I have fixed the issue, although I was never able to recreate it myself. Please let me know. Album artwork no longer displays foder.jpg if it is a system file, allowing correct artwork now to show if your collections is not organised by album.

Download:GameEx v11.10


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