
x360ce v2.0.2.76

EmuCR:x360ce x360ce v2.0.2.76 is released. Xbox 360 Controller Emulator (a wrapper library that translates the xinput calls to directinput calls) which allows your controller (GamePad, Joystick, Wheel, ...) to function like an Xbox 360 controller on a Windows PC. For example it allows you to play Grand Theft Auto (GTA) game with Logitech wheel.

x360ce v2.0.2.76 Changelog:
- Fixed temporary disabling FakeAPI.
- Improved XInputGetCapabilities.
Capabilities now returned individual for each device
NOTE: Now individual only ControllerType (from ini).
Some games check ControllerType and accept only gamepad (POP2008).
Some check gamepad, flightstick, wheel and show different button graphics
in menu/tutorial.
- Update: Updated to xinput1_3.dll v3.2.0.188.
- upps, now will be faster
- Revert, old axis bug fix, because was wrong.
- Reverted last commit...

Download: x360ce v2.0.2.76


  1. would be nice if this supported keyboard input


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