
Shmupmame v2.0

EmuCR:Shmupmame Shmupmame v2.0 is released. Shmupmame is an improved MAME. Shmupmame cuts down on input delay for a lot of drivers for shmups which owns. what also owns is that these drivers include the cps1, cps2, and cps3 drivers which means you can play capcom fighters with less input delay.

Shmupmame V2.0
aka lagless edition by nimitz@shmupsforum

The goal of this build is to remove the delay caused by frame/sprite buffer
emulation in the various mame drivers, the result is that games respond faster
by at least one frame. The downside is that the background layer will not be completely
synced with the sprite layer. That being said, I found the difference to be unnoticable.

Beginning with v2.0 this build also fixes games in Mame using various methods (inluding hacks)
the only added game in V2.0 is fire barrel

To playe fire barrel:
Load the game as you normally would and load the state 1 using F7 then pressing "1"
on the keyboard, this is done to fix the sound cpu which goes into a bad loop if.


new lagless drivers:
Irem m72
Irem m92
Konami twin16
(thanks to Panasony for "shtmame" code)

Download: Shmupmame v2.0


  1. any way to get the drivers out and use them in another build (cabmame) of mame?

  2. which mame version is this build upon ?

    is there any significiant difference in performance of game like dodonpachi gigawing ? or is this emulator just some masturbation of "perfect emulation" enthusiasits ??


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