
SNES9x v4.3.1 for PS3

EmuCR:SNES9x for PS3SNES9x v4.3.1 for PS3 is released. Developer eiz has ported SNES9X — a Super Nintendo Emulator — to the PS3.

I got my Teensy++ Thursday and decided to port SNES9x (Super Nintendo Emulator) over to the PS3 as a little exercise to play with the Cell SDK.

It's pretty rough but it seems to work OK. It will load (uncompressed) ROMs off of /dev_usb000.

If anyone is interested, the code is linked above via GitHub with a binary attached below.

It's a new port to PS3 LV2 OS based on the vanilla SNES9x source.

To build:

* Install Cell SDK >= 1.92. You know how to find it. Configure according to the install instructions (make sure to set CELL_SDK).
* Make pkg
* Load the pkg and your ROMs onto a usb drive.
* Install on PS3 using your jailbreak device of choice.

Things that suck:

* Lots of SNES9x features are not supported yet. No save states, for example. Most of these are really simple to implement.
* Sound code is rubbish. It more or less works, but you'll probably hear the occasional skip.
* Performance isn't great.
* UI. Or rather, there isn't one.
* So much more.

EmuCR:SNES9x for PS3

EmuCR:SNES9x for PS3

SNES9x v4.3.1 for PS3 Changelog:
* There's now a 720p build and a 480p one. This is only temporary until I find a way to manually set resolutions without the PS3 making its own inferences as to what resolution I would like based on the display settings toggled in PARAM.SFO.
* Got rid of a duplicate cellGcmFlush(); at the very start of the flip function - it should not be at the start of the function according to examples shown in the SDK. cellGcmFlush basically forces the RSX to process all the GCM commands buffered in the command buffer - however, in the same method, this function is already called after resetting the flip status. Since all of this has to do with V-syncing, if this should have any detrimental effects, I should have noticed it already since I'm very pedantic about screen tearing - doesn't seem to be the case.
* Made preliminary steps to sort out the PAL problems by allowing the user to load a ROM with the Triangle button that sets ForcePAL and the refresh rate to 50Hz. However, there should be a way to get at the region of the ROM using some sort of Snes9x function call without having to start the actual ROM that has been loaded. This way, I could set this automatically.

Download: SNES9x v4.3.1 for PS3


  1. Cool SNES emu for PS3 thanks stand on guys.
    good work


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