
ZZogl SVN r3768

ZZogl SVN r3768 is released. ZZogl is a GPU plugin for PCSX2. ZZogl is project to completely redone ZeroGS openGL, to keep it in more maintainable and readable state.

ZZogl SVN Changelog:
zzogl-pg: Work on getting the ZZoglShaders header a bit closer to what is in the current zzogl trunk.

Download:ZZogl SVN r3768


  1. Thank Nichole My Love!

  2. here we go again... Are you even sure Nichole that is a girl?

  3. http://www.yardwear.net/blog/content/binary/t-shirt_10.jpg

    lol :)

  4. Nichole, do not believe in these messages from DaniPoo nosy, wrote on my behalf!
    I will not change how I feel about you, and good work on EmuCR.

    I will hinder access to my identity through my Google account

    By Brazilian

  5. "Nichole said... @
    Yes.I'm a girl."
    And I suppose it is you on your picture 2?

    Please Nichole do something about this Brazilian. Give him your mail or something or tell him that you want him to stop writing he's stuff here. Its not a dating site and you know that.

  6. Wow theres stalkers on the internet which is actually pointless cuz of identity....

  7. #6
    kkk my God! as there are people nosy in that site. What is your problem? Jealousy? I do not in any way affect the work of the nichole, get involved with what is in your account!

  8. Yeah right! thats it! Im jealous! :)
    Oh well keep wrighting then. but I still think its annoying. And I think it would be nice if we could try to stick to the topic for a while :) And yeah.. If you wanna rid yourself from "nosy people" then you might consider stop wrigting your personal stuff on a public website!

  9. DaniPoo alright, continue barking, do not care.
    if you think bad, one way in me.

  10. amos dude, dont disture Nichole again.
    Let her do her job
    watch movies if you feel bore.
    Eat if you feel lonely,
    If u want a girl find it in the real world.
    God Bless You.

  11. Lol! "Eat if you feel lonely"

    I'll take that advice even if it was ment for Amós.

    "I WANT A GIIIRL! But I guess this burger will do for now..." :D


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