
PieChart v0.7

EmuCR: PieChart PieChart v0.7 is released. PieChart is a mish-mash of several PacMan gameplay styles and themes. Programmed in C over several weeks and using GRRLIB for rendering, PieChart is a 17 level experience with more to come soon.

EmuCR: PieChart
PieChart v0.7 Changelog:
Huge ghost AI revision. They can no longer reverse direction at will; they also can switch between evasive and wandering modes
Animated title screen
Multiple level support
17 new levels! This should keep people occupied until I add more soon
Maze size reduced to allow for HUD options
fixed/added hiscore saving. score.bin MUST exist and it can't be empty or you'll get a stack error.
Fixed animation speeds

Download: PieChart v0.7
Source: Here


  1. Why is some crappy freeware pac-man game on this emulator site?


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