
Engine02 v10.12.09

EmuCR:Engine02 Engine02 v10.12.09 is released. Engine02 is a versatile, multiplatform 2D game development system. Its editors and powerful script interface allow users to create the characters and environment that make up the game, while the program handles I/O, low-level player/object management, etc. Many 2D Genre are possible with this system, such as Platform, Adventure, SHMUP, Fighter, RPG, Paddleball/Pinball, and others.

System Requirements:
Processor and memory requirements for reliable performance will change depending on the content of the game, but the absolute minumum requirements are:

* PC- 386Sx processor, 8MB of free RAM, and DOS, Windows 95+ w/DirectX7+, or Linux with SDL
* Mac- PowerPC or Intel MacOSX system of comparable spec to PC
* PSP- Any PSP with any custom firmware installed
* Wii- Any Wii with "The Homebrew Channel" installed

Bear in mind that the Wii uses a 729MHz processor, while the PSP uses a 333MHz processor, and both have only 24MB of RAM available for use by E02. Games built for use on these systems must target these numbers

* Release 10.12.09
"ScanLines" render mode has been added to Windows, Linux, and Mac builds

"Utilities" menu has been added to editing-supporting builds, with interfaces for features that were otherwise only command-line options: Level Editing for external files, Level Ripping from pcx/tga images, Level Warp at game start with or without instant editor access (unprotected games only), image palette section dumping to Set_Palette_Range Script Command format, image palette section location shifting, and game file packing

Status Objects Function Commands are now usable from within Animation Functions


Spacebar keypress was not recognized in the Linux build. This key now functions properly

The "When To Trigger" option for Boundary Event Function calls was never actually implemented. It now functions as described in the documentation

Windows build no longer attempts to use 8-bit color when in full-screen mode with no video filter selected. This eliminates color problems under these conditions with newer video drivers that do not properly support 8-bit color mode

E02 would crash when attempting to select a Tile ID higher than the last valid tile in the Tile Editor. Tile ID selection in the Tile Editor is now properly capped at the total number of existing tiles, eliminating this problem

When entering the Level Editor directly after Tile Ripping is complete, if the ripped Plane's Tile size was less than 81x61, it was not properly upsized to avoid offset errors and crashes in "Large Editor" mode. The newly-created planes are now upsized as necessary

When file loads from non-packed games were nested, the final file in the nest was "closed" multiple times, and the rest were ignored. File open and close for non-packed game file sets now nests properly

When a custom global palette file was included with a game, E02 would not close the file handle after reading it. This file is now closed properly

Download: Engine02 v10.12.09 for DOS/Windows
Download: Engine02 v10.12.09 for Linux
Download: Engine02 v10.12.09 for MacOS
Download: Engine02 v10.12.09 for PSP
Download: Engine02 v10.12.09 for Wii
Source: Here


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