
Engine02 v11.01.02

EmuCR:Engine02 Engine02 v11.01.02 is released. Engine02 is a versatile, multiplatform 2D game development system. Its editors and powerful script interface allow users to create the characters and environment that make up the game, while the program handles I/O, low-level player/object management, etc. Many 2D Genre are possible with this system, such as Platform, Adventure, SHMUP, Fighter, RPG, Paddleball/Pinball, and others.

System Requirements:
Processor and memory requirements for reliable performance will change depending on the content of the game, but the absolute minumum requirements are:

* PC- 386Sx processor, 8MB of free RAM, and DOS, Windows 95+ w/DirectX7+, or Linux with SDL
* Mac- PowerPC or Intel MacOSX system of comparable spec to PC
* PSP- Any PSP with any custom firmware installed
* Wii- Any Wii with "The Homebrew Channel" installed

Bear in mind that the Wii uses a 729MHz processor, while the PSP uses a 333MHz processor, and both have only 24MB of RAM available for use by E02. Games built for use on these systems must target these numbers

Engine02 v11.01.02 Changelog:
* Added "Repository" support. Special files placed in the "repo" folder allow E02 to connect to other download resources. This makes possible the creation of public and private listings for third-party games, and private listings for local transfers between platforms (when already running an http server). This feature is not displayed when only the default repository file is found


* When a script line was followed by whitespace (space or tab), the whitespace would not be removed from the end of the loaded string. This would cause problems especially with filenames that were followed by comments, as the filename used would contain the space/tab characters and fail to load on some platforms. Trailing whitespace on strings is now ignored, eliminating this problem (comments can be used after strings, and the strings themselves will be terminated after the last non-whitespace character)

* Mode 5 for the Set_PaletteAlpha_Range Script Command attempted to set the global palette rather than the target palette, and when intentionally setting the Global Palette, the alpha was not properly applied. This Command should now function properly for mode 5, and for applying an alpha to the Global Palette colors

* The Dim_Palette_Range Script Command did not test for component value overflow when "Dimming" up, which caused them to "wrap around" and become the wrong colors. Using this Command to brighten the palette (a "Percentage" value greater than 128) should now work properly

* The "Installed Games" section of the menu would crash when no games were installed due to a test on an array entry for an array whose length matched the number of games (in this case, 0). The "Installed Games" menu will now display correctly under this condition, reporting no installed games and displaying only the option to return to the Main Menu

Download: Engine02 v10.12.09 for DOS/Windows
Download: Engine02 v11.01.02 for Linux
Download: Engine02 v11.01.02 for MacOS
Download: Engine02 v11.01.02 for PSP
Download: Engine02 v11.01.02 for Wii
Source: Here


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