
MameUIHiScore v0.141

Thanks Christian (aka Alfman) for submitting news
MameUIHiScore v0.141 is released. MameUIHiScore is a new Mame Build.

In Sync with MAME v0.141 / Both 32-Bit and 64-Bit available .

All a Happy new Year 2011 :)


MameUIHiScore is another Mame Build with Unofficial "hiscore.dat" support . And the following stuff :

- Unofficial "hiscore.dat" support (toggleable) ON by Default
- Removeable Nag Screens (toggleable) OFF by Default
- Removeable Loading/Decrypting Messages (toggleable) OFF by Default
- 2 not so known Filter (triad6 / hantarex) for a more Arcade looking Picture @ TFT/CRT/LCD :)guang

Download: MameUIHiScore32 v0.141
Download: MameUIHiScore64 v0.141
Source: Here


  1. does hiscore saving work with cave pgm gamaes

  2. dont think so... because the new cave pgm games are using NVRAM for saving the score . the hiscore.dat is only for older games saving their score !!!

  3. Does this have support for command.dat

  4. Thanks!
    Linked you your site to show appreciation.

  5. so how come ketsui for example saves .nvram files but no high scores are saved , when I reset all scores are lost ??

  6. wow thank you very much, this is a ROCK SOLID version, it plays 2800 games on my MAME cabinet, I've never seen so much high score support or save states as I have with your build.
    Anonymous, when you reset your game, the high scores are reset as well. Some games (not all) save into their nvram files alone, and some save to both the nvram AND hiscore files (like Bubbles and Robotron). Some games save only to their hiscore files, and a lot of games rely on the save-state function of the emulator.
    You are usually able to reset the high scores of the nvram games by entering its BIOS and choosing the option which does that(see "input this game" in options to see which key).
    I hope this helps :)

  7. can you post the mameuihiscore32 0.140?


  8. You should ask the developer. Thanks :)

  9. Thanks but the "OK" is still requested.. why??


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