
PCSP v0.5.2

EmuCR:PcspPCSP v0.5.2 is released. Pcsp is a project that jpcsp team members working a while now.While it is not capable to run commercial games , it is kinda faster than jpcsp :).All code atm is port of jpcsp code to c++.At the moment jpcsp is highly more advance than pcsp. Now if pcsp will become better than jpcsp , time will tell .

Actually this is mostly a bug fix release for single core cpus. As already explained in previous post there was a bug in audio that was preventing pcsp to work on single core cpus. Now it should work okay.

Besides that this release also offer decryption of encrypted PSP games on fly!. That's right you don't need to decrypt your PSP games in order to run or use external eboot.bins. Just remember to enable the decryptor in settings dialog and everything should decrypted on fly!.

Here is the complete changelog:
Fix a bug in audio that was preventing single core cpus to run (now they should work fine)
Added PRX1-PRX2 decryption. Now you can run encrypted games without the need to provide external decrypted file. You need to enable the Decryptor in settings in order to use it. (Settings->Settings->Hack Settings->Enable Decryptor)

You can d/l pcsp 0.5.2 from downloads section or from the folllowing link :

or you can d/l pcsp 0.5.2 with pcsp-udb (pcsp's frontend) from :

Download: PCSP v0.5.2
Source: Here


  1. god of war chauin of olympus is not working!


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