
RomVault v1.6.0

EmuCR:RomVault RomVault v1.6.0 is released. RomVault is a new rom management tool. RomVault should be seen as an alternative to clrmame pro with some nice and new features that could make it perfect for managing large numbers of dats / collections using less time (one scan vs N dats a time instead of one scan for each dat) and giving you a nice easy to use GUI.

RomVault v1.6.0 Changelog:
So here is a big update. Version 1.6 now supports TorrentZip files. What this means, is that every Zip file that RomVault makes will already be TorrentZipped.
There are some other options added if you are not needing TorrentZip support. Click on Settings and you will see a new dropdown:

1) TorrentZip all files (Default): This will make all new files TorrentZip'ed.
2) Fastest: When moving a file from one Zip to another, it just copies the compressed raw data, which is very fast, but if you source zip is not compressed the destination file will also not be compressed.
3) Highest: This re-compresses every file that is moved using slightly different compression from torrentzip which in many cases compresses just a little higher.
The other little icon to know about is the TZ ZIP icon in the Game List, This lets you know if your Zip file is TorrentZip File.
You can click on 'TorrentZip ROMs' in the top menu, this will TorrentZip all ROM's in the selected DATs.
(You should Scan your roms first, so that RomVault knows which ROMs need to be TorrentZip'ed)

There are still a number of other features I could add, such as just TorrentZipping any selected Directory (to fully replace trrntzip.exe)
Please do send me your feedback, comments and ideas. Contact Me and of coarse that Donate button is still sitting there over on the left of your screen. (Thanks)

Download: RomVault v1.6.0
Source: Here


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