
aLoader v1.2

EmuCR: aLoader Thanks Anonymous Friend for submitting news
aLoader v1.2 is released. aLoader is a plugin for 6.20-TN HEN. This plugin allows run ISOs from XMB.

EmuCR: aLoader

The PSP Developer ardi PSPKiNG our forum has made ​​today a new version of its aload published. The aload allows you, ISOs / CSOs in the XMB to start from just below the 6:20 TN-HEN.

Changelog for Version 1.2:
* the aloader_game.prx is no longer needed (if you can delete the updated aloader_game.prx and also remove from the game.txt)
* the ISO size is now shown.
* ISOs can be deleted directly from the XMB (special case Game Categories: here )
* the Button is no longer used
* with the Now you'll get a menu (see above)
* aLoader.conf AutoSort new option. This can define that the last started GAME appears first in the XMB list
- AutoSort = 1: ISOs are sorted
- AutoSort = 2: EBOOTSs be sorted
- AutoSort = 3: 1 +2
- AutoSort = 0: off (default)
* aLoader.conf default_drives new option. This lets you set the driver that is used when one has not yet set
- default_drives = M33: M33 driver
- default_drives =: NP9660
* Open Support Idea - just the OIP folder to / PSP / SYSTEM copy (not the isoctrl.prx in the register vsh.txt) and then select the menu Open Idea
* fixed: pause and resume (PSP) should work now

All necessary files are located in the "aload". The point where you can grab you like. The best way to "seplugins".
In the archive you can find and also _vsh.txt _go_vsh.txt. Rename the file to vsh.txt vsh.txt easy to copy or if the content to the existing ones.
If it saves the aload folder elsewhere, then you have the paths accordingly.

EDIT: There was a bug gemldet that if the VSH menu CPU CLOCK GAME for 333/166 is, the more games go most do not. In this case, it makes it back to default. If it still does not go then, should ever tried to select another driver and starts the new SK.

Download: aLoader v1.2
Source: Here


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