
Emu Loader v6.1

EmuLoaderEmu Loader v6.1 is released. Emu Loader was created to manage an arcade games emulator called M.A.M.E. With this frontend, you can change practically any option that is available in the emulator, like the screen resolution, sound quality, game options, etc. There are lots of extra features that makes your life much more easier, like the snapshots viewer where all captured images from M.A.M.E. games can be viewed when selecting games.

Emu Loader v6.1 Changelog:
Proper detection of MAMu_ icons (color depth and multiple icons inside .ico file):
- several icons were displaying white/black background colors in transparent areas
- only the 32x32 icon is loaded, regardless the view mode used
- icons are now loaded using their original color pallette (no conversion to 24-bit color depth)
- added support 32-bit icons (alpha blend)
Feature "Scan For Missing MAMu_ Icons" was not loading game name icons, only bios icon or driver icon (options "Show Game Bios Icons" / "Show Game Driver Icons" / "Reload Icons")
Text in auto game docs window was not being moved to top when selecting games
Access violation when trying to delete game config files (Demul system)
Feature "Not Used Game Config Files" was not working with Demul system and "Delete Files" button was not working at all!!! (main menu "Settings", "Maintenance")
Delete files button in "Not Used Zip Files" feature was not working at all!!! (main menu "Settings", "Maintenance")
I totally forgot to implement the function to delete files on "Delete Clones Images" (main menu "Images", "Maintenance")

Convert screenshots feature re-write (main menu "Images", "Maintenance"). Replaced VirtualTreeView by EasyListView and some performance tweaks
Updated EasyListView component to latest SVN (February 2011)
All splitters replaced by a custom gradient splitter, easier to resize panels (main screen and others)

Minor tweaks
Removed the hour glass cursor from a bunch of functions because they don't make sense
Text in games list status bar updated to display game name, clone name and bios name: "mslug3h [clone of mslug3] [bios: neogeo]"
Splash screen timer does not reset to zero when switching from creating games list to scanning games functions. Now you can see the total time it takes to create games list/verify your games sets
Merged left panel populate functions into one since they are almost the same (main screen and left panel editor)
Added column "Bios" into the games list (left panel editor) and the width of game title column is now dynamically resized
Replaced Delphi 7 "RenameFile" function (it uses MoveFile() function) by a custom function that uses "MoveFileEx()" function... it fixes errors in Windows 7 when renaming files

File "\ini_files\daphne.ini" not needed anymore (Daphne v1.0 is the lowest supported version)
Custom titles are no longer supported for image layouts feature
Custom labels for game columns is gone (details / grouped view modes). Pointless feature...

New text filter bar (main tool bar buttons, right side). Yep, you can filter games by title, manufacturer or driver name now. Just Type a partial description, hit ENTER key or press the apply button and BAM! :)
Main filter tool bar buttons are partially supported: "System", "Parent / Clone", "Have / Miss", "Working / Non-Working", "Bios / No Bios" and "Hide Bios" from main menu games filters.
There are some options buttons below the text box: "Filter by title", "Filter by manufacturer", "Filter by driver name", "Enable/disable filters on main tool bar buttons".
Clicking on the "Reset" button will reload the main filters (without this new text bar filter)
New setting: "Setup Folders", image category tool bar button. Easier to know where to go to setup folders
Setting "Path to hash files" was missing in MAME settings screen
Support for SEGA Model 2 Emu v1.0 (scripts are not yet supported, if ever)
Support for the new mechanical tag on games list (MAME 0.141u1 and newer)
New filter: "Interface Type" with 2 options "Classic" and "Mechanical" ("Games Filters" main menu)
NOTE: unlike others, this setting is saved in "EmuLoader.ini" and restored when restarting the frontend
Support for MAME 0.141u3
Preliminary support for multi-cart games loading: megatech (MAME v0.141u3 and never only! Other emulators are not supported)
There is a new folder listing all supported systems (when creating a games list): "\arcade\multi-games\"
... that's it for now. you cannot run multiple games with this frontend yet!!!
Features "Scan Missing MAMu_ Icons" and "Scan Not Used MAMu_ Icons" merged into "MAMu_ Icons Manager" (MAMu_ tool bar button). Minor fixes and some optimizations were also made.
Managing missing / not used icons is easier than ever!. Some key features:
- rename not used icons
- all new history system for not used icons, so you can keep track of changes made to each icon (.txt files located in "resources\icons_history\ folder)
- when renaming a not used icon to a valid MAME game name, the icon is immediately loaded into the missing icons list
- ability to maximize the window for better visual
- columns width on missing icons list are saved/restored in "el_extras.ini" file
New MAMu_ icons feature: "Switch Game Icons" (MAMu_ tool bar button). Have two game icons that you need to switch places because MAME switched two games parent/clone, clone/parent ? This is what this feature is for

Download: EmuLoader v6.1
Source: Here


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