
NEWS: MAMu_ WIP... (2011/03/24)

For those who could ask theirselves why updating is damn long since a few updates, while I was back for good on MAMEICONS, answer is quite simple : Pinballs & co in M.A.M.E.

It's not anymore "play game, snap it, cut your sprite, resize if needed, rework it to be readable, save as png 24, import png 24 in Icon editor, save as .ico file..." which is already a long process...

Now I have to do some research on specific machines, find a good and close enough pic, etc..

Anyway, I still have (huh!) 529 icons to do (mechanicals + few MAME)... Won't be done anytime soon, but as you can check on the pic, adding pinballs, bowler, etc mechanichal machines icon in the list is looking quite good...

Remember you can always help by donating on MAMEICONS if you like and use my work, thanks.

And now, the preview :
Part 1, Mechanicals

News Source: Here


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