
wxMupen64Plus v0.1

EmuCR: wxMupen64PluswxMupen64Plus v0.1 is released. wxMupen64Plus is a Frontend for the N64 Emulator Mupen64Plus. It is available for Windows, Lunix and MacOS. wxMupen64Plus is a Mupen64Plus 2.0 GUI frontend written using wxWidgets 2.9.x.

EmuCR: wxMupen64Plus

Auria let us know that wxMupen64Plus 0.1 has been released.

wxMupen64Plus is a Mupen64Plus 2.0 GUI frontend written using wxWidgets 2.9.x.
It is tested on Mac OS X, Windows and Linux.
OSX and Windows binaries are available.

Testing and feedback welcome!

-- Auria

Download: wxMupen64Plus v0.1
Source: Here


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