
bsnes v078

EmuCR:bsnes Emulatorsbsnes v078 is released. bsnes is an emulator for the Super Famicom and SNES video game systems. The purpose of the emulator is a bit different from other emulators: it focuses on accuracy, debugging functionality, and clean code.

bsnes v078 Changelog:
bsnes v078 released 2011-04-30

Finally, a new release. I have been very busy finishing up SNES box, cartridge and PCB scanning plus cataloguing the data, however this release still has some significant improvements.

Most notably would be randomization on startup. This will help match the behavior of real hardware and uninitialized memory + registers. It should help catch homebrew software that forgets to initialize things properly. Of course, I was not able to test the complete library, so it is possible that if I've randomized anything that should be constant, that this could cause a regression. You can disable this randomization for netplay or to work around any incompatibilities by editing bsnes.cfg and setting snes.random to false.

The GUI also received some updates. Widget sizes are now computed based on font sizes, giving it a perfectly native look (because it is native.) I've also added a hotkey remapping screen to the input settings. Not only can you remap inputs to controllers now, but those who did not know the hotkey bindings can now quickly see which ones exist and what they are mapped to.

Please enjoy.
memory and most registers are now randomly initialized on power-up
fixed auto joypad polling issue in Super Star Wars
fixed .nec and .rtc file extensions (they were missing the dot) [krom]
PPU/accuracy now clears overscan region on any frame when it is disabled
PPU/compatibility no longer auto-blends hires pixels (use NTSC filter for this)
added hotkey remapping dialog to input settings window
added a few new hotkeys, including quick-reset
phoenix API now auto-sizes widgets based on font sizes
file dialog once again remembers previously selected file when possible
updated mightymo's cheat code database to April 19th release

EmuCR:bsnes Emulators

Download: bsnes v078 x86
Download: bsnes v078 x64
Source: Here


  1. looks at the image from byuu's pc!

  2. TO Mackay1985 Now you know the reason why everyone hate byuu.
    In his delusional mind, only his opinion matters. everyone else is wrong.
    You know why everyone hate him in the zsnes boards? he was always complaining and demanding that every snes rom format haves to be make the way he wants because its better (the roms and games work) why it should be done? theres no reason, why he started a fight with the guy of snes central? because he say that the scanning was crap and he will release his own work (theres nothing wrong with snescentral scans or manual replacement.org)then when people started to contribuite now we is not releasing a thing because is pirating, so now is is own preservation project just for him but he ask for games and boxes , He will not release a damn thing, hes to egocentric and haves self importance.
    When was the last time any emu author asked you for a donation to decript and decapped special chips? Never!
    He posted shit about Zeality the guy who made the crono trigger fangame chrimson echoes because the game was made to work in zsnes (the game needs the registers out of memory to work,
    and some parts looks with garbage without it, but it works with snes 9x regardless)
    and finally when was the last time you see the snes 9x authors or any of the zsnes board mods, snes central, manual replacement,zeality or iphner or any emu contributors, post crap about the other snes emus? NEVER but byuu thinks that posting crap about zsnes and snes9x, snescentral,manual replacement,zeality,iphner is the right thing to do and remind the masses how good and accurate his emu is.

  3. Oh, yes, I remember when I got emasculated on the Crimson Echoes forum; I posted my opinion on that situation too (the whole Zsnes exclusivity), and they told me that it didn't work on Snes9x 1.52, but it worked without any problems whatsoever. I may be extremely biased against Zsnes and its lack of good SPC700 emulation, but I'm not going to tear the ROM hack creator to shreds like Byuu did.

  4. No one should download the x64 version exept if you have a monster computer.

    Everyone should get x86 version.

  5. Why stick with Snes9x 1.43 when 1.53 kicks the living crap out of it? Think Bsnes audio accuracy with Zsnes system requirements.

  6. How dare Byuu have standards and expect the SNES "scene" to strive for accuracy and development that actually evolves to better emulators!

    I say hooray for roms that run incorrectly!


    My PC is 4 years old. BSNES runs great for me. Keep crying.

  7. its slow and sucks snes9x rocks

  8. I never said Bsnes sucks, now did I? Yeah, that's what I thought. Byuu was being a jerk just because I made a few remarks about Bsnes, and banned my IP address (*cough* proxy *cough*)

    Only one or two obscure games work on Bsnes are worth mentioning. Everything runs fine on Snes9x 1.53

    --Games that work on Bsnes work on Snes9x, too--

    Earthworm Jim 2? Yep, as of 1.53
    King of Dragons? Yep, as of 1.53
    Star Fox and other special chip games? Sure does, and at their normal framerate, too.

    While I can run the performance profile of Bsnes, I prefer Snes9x because I can actually fill the screen without borders, and it has fast forward.

  9. Byuu has become somewhat, well, he's going crazy.

    Newer versions of BSNES run his rom dumps, all others be damned. He tirades about roms that are inside of archives, and gets angry about rom extensions that were really no big deal to him in the past. He complains about piracy, yet stockpiles copies of boxart and roms to games that by his own admittance does not own.

    I'm sorry, but anybody who stockpiles copies of games and calls themselves "conservationists" are nothing more than pirates with OCD.

    He has become so self-absorbed, and the nitpicking on issues like these are just tarnishing what otherwise is an incredible emulator.

  10. It's not that I'm stuck with a 10 year old PC, it's just I've grown to like Snes9x better; it's compatibility is comparable to Bsnes, not to mention its quick load/save feature is not as complicated. I can run Bsnes without a hitch if I choose to do so, but I won't. Zsnes has more hacks than Snes9x at the moment, and has the least accurate overall emulation (i.e. SA-1, S-DD1, Super FX, Cx4, DSP-1 games run like crap). Ever tried playing Clay Fighter on Zsnes? Good luck tolerating the sound. Snes9x and Bsnes can emulate the game PROPERLY.

  11. Netplay pleas!!!

  12. Please not a useless comment.

  13. The audio is still crackly even though i'm getting 60FPS and have the audio sync option enabled. *facepalm*

  14. This is the only Snes emulator I know that gets WORSE over time:

    1. Games that USED to work (like Ninja Warriors) no longer work in the current release.

    2. Zip support was TAKEN AWAY as of 0.70, forcing bsnes users to unzip their roms...nonsense.

    3. Smooth scrolling (vsync/triple buffer) seems to have disappeared since 0.70, causing nasty tearing in Vista/7

    4. Audio crackles like crap if "smooth video" is enabled.

    5. What the hell is the author thinking? You are ruining what was going to be something really great here!

  15. Wow, byuu sure has a negative reputation on the net as demonstrated here. I appreciate proper emulation, but if this guy is going to whine about the GoodSNES sets being improper dumps, yet not release what he has made from people sending him games, why bother whining at all? And recently he cried about ASSEMbler of ASSEMblergames.com trying to rip him off on eBay, gee I wonder why. And even if ASSEMbler really was trying to rip him off, he deserves it. He is just soooo proud of his emulator, like my ex-girlfriend was soooo proud of the crappy specialty cakes she made for people as a job (and boy were they crappy compared to real pros! didn't taste all that great either)

    And what the fuck is up with there being no instruction manual (i.e. README file) included with the emulator program? I just downloaded v0.78 and there was nothing that specified how the hell you get it to run in fullscreen! I had to google it. Retarded. Other emulators you just press Alt+Enter and there you go, a basic standard.

    Byuu reminds me of the guy who created the pSX emulator (and disappeared, too busy making money off M$ XBOX games, fucking sellout), with all the claims of accuracy in the emulation yet even pSX isn't as accurate as pSX Author would lead you to believe. For instance, Front Mission 3 runs perfectly in ePSXe, but crashes randomly during battles in pSX. And pSX's dithering effect is way off and isn't even close to proper PlayStation dithering. If pSX emulates "everything" as the author claims, then every fucking game should run PERFECTLY, yet more games have more issues than ePSXe.

    But whatever, pretty soon no one will care about the old 8-bit and 16-bit games anymore, because when my generation--the ones who grew up playing this shit when it was brand spanking new, and were playing this shit again when the good emulators like Snes9x came out during the last decade--get too old to give a shit anymore, the scene will die. The new gen assholes are too pre-occupied with their iPhones and facebook, and quite honestly are the dumbest generation in history. They don't have the kind of old school values and standards that made things so great in the past.

    So, for now, Snes9x FTW, as the kids say;)


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