
jDosbox v0.74.17

jDosbox v0.74.17 is released. jDosbox is a port of Dosbox in Java, allowing multiple systems to emulate the DOS and PC x86 90s.

jDosbox v0.74.17 Changelog:
* Fixed middle and right mouse buttons, they were reversed
* Added the boot command, PcJr support for this missing.
* Win98 can be installed, but fails to fully start
* Added the config command
* Windows 3.11 will now install without warnings
* First pass at the aspect flag. It will use bicubic.
* Applet can now pass command line arguments to dosbox
* Signed applets can specify a config file by passing a param like:
“param name="param1" value="-conf ~/.jdosbox//dosbox.conf"”

Download: jDosbox v0.74.17
Source: Here


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