
Jpcsp SVN r2182

EmuCR:JPcspJpcsp SVN r2182 is released. JPCSP is a PlayStation Portable(PSP) emulator which is written in JAVA. JPCSP is the first PSP emulator that is written in JAVA. Most people think java is too slow. But Shadow and his team has proven us wrong. The newest Java versions are almost as fast as C which makes it very interesting for emu dev's. Shadow and his team are working day and night with pleasure on the emu, many coders have dedicated to the project. Because it's written in java many young devs find it interesting to learn how the emulator works.

Jpcsp SVN changelog:
Improved module loading to avoid error "HLE Function XXX not activated by default for Firmware Version NNN".
Homebrews are loaded using highest Firmware Version so that they can use any Firmware Syscall.
Improved sceKernelLoadModule to allocate the correct memory size required by the loaded module.
Improved the ELF loaded to only reserve the memory really used by the module.
Improved sceKernelSelfSteopUnloadModule to free the module memory.
Reverted changes from r2136 in Linux start scripts.
Added same java parameters as for Windows start scripts.
Updated README.txt to match general description from "http://code.google.com/p/jpcsp/"
Fixed error "HLE Function sceNetAdhocctlInit(sceNetAdhocctl) not activated by default for Firmware Version 635"

Download: Jpcsp SVN r2182
Source: Here


  1. It is. But i'm glad someone's working on it now so it will be useable later.


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