
MuppyGUI v0.1

EmuCR: MuppyGUIThanks Speedvicio for submitting news
MuppyGUI v0.1 is released. MuppyGUI is a simple and basic GUI for Mupen64plus by Speedvicio, running in windows os based system. Nothing particularly striking was implemented in the GUI part to support for compressed roms in ZIP, RAR and 7z formats.

How to use:
- Put MuppyGUI, SevenZipSharp.dll and 7z.dll (7z.dll for 32 bit os , 7z64.dll for 64 bit os) in the same folder of Mupen64plus emu.
- Start the GUI, select a rom and press Start button to play.

Download: MuppyGUI v0.1
Source: Here


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