
Emu Loader v6.1.7

EmuLoaderEmu Loader v6.1.7 is released. Emu Loader was created to manage an arcade games emulator called M.A.M.E. With this frontend, you can change practically any option that is available in the emulator, like the screen resolution, sound quality, game options, etc. There are lots of extra features that makes your life much more easier, like the snapshots viewer where all captured images from M.A.M.E. games can be viewed when selecting games.

Emu Loader v6.1.7 Changelog:
- Window status (normal/maximized) not being correctly handled when switching between windowed/full screen mode
- Main menu "Images" showing up when initializing the frontend in full screen mode
- Selected game not visible on screen after resizing the main window or resizing the preview snapshots panel
- Document files updated ("docs\" folder). Some of them had incorrect/incomplete information
- In-game snapshot not being updated after exiting a game
- Fixed a huge bug that was messing up image layout settings when switching between layouts, and when switching between classic and layout view modes
- game snapshots were not loading correctly in layouts view mode, if one of the images was not found
- Application crash when changing image's "stretch" setting (classic view mode only)

- Bios selection in "MAME Default" and "MAME Game/Driver Custom" settings screen only show sets for games that have external bios sets, like "Neo-Geo", "PlayChoice-10" ("Miscellaneous" tab)
This way, a bios won't be selectable for games that do not use bios or for MAME default settings
- Renamed "Scan Results" to "View Missing ROMs/CHDs". This feature is ment to show you only available games with missing ROMs/CHDs... not after using "Scan Games" feature
- Favorites profiles removed. Only a single favorites list is supported from now on
Either create a new favorites list or rename one of the favorites files from "\ini_files\favorites\*.el" to "\ini_files\favorites.ini"... and remove the "fav_username=" line (first entry in the file)
You can delete "\ini_files\favorites\" folder and its files
The "Validate Favorites File" option is at main menu "Settings" / "Maintenance"
- Replaced "Number of Screens" by "Audio Type" (only used by MAME)
- Screen "Emulator Setup" re-write
* Simplified interface. Only emulator filename needs to be selected
* MD5 checksum info removed (useless)
* New "Update System" button. Useful if you change emulator file and have "New Emulator Detection" option disabled (preferences)
- ClrMAMEPro XML .dat files must be in frontend's main folder now, and named as follows:
* ZiNc: "ZiNc_xml.dat"
* SEGA Model 2 Emu: "SEGAModel2_xml.dat"
As of this version, both files will be released with frontend's binary package... no more .dat file hunting :-))
- Moved games scan result files (.miss) from "arcade\scan_results\" to "arcade\" folder
- Control type entries in "\arcade\system_name.el" files have MAME's control names now
A new file is also available listing all control types ("\ini_files\control_type.ini"). You can expand this list manually if a new MAME has a new control... even AFTER creating a MAME games list
- If version info cannot be parsed from emulator binary, "Unknown" will be set automatically (no more user input)
- New "game status" icon at games list status bar, next to the game name label
* green ball : available game (.zip found and ok)
* black ball : missing game (.zip missing)
* yellow ball: have game with missing ROMs/CHDs (.zip found)

- Minor user interface tweaks... for consistency
- Feature "Delete Clone Images" updated. Removed multi-screens support (main menu "Images" / "Maintenance")
- Text filter bar updated. New visual, easier to use. More options available
To change options, click on "settings" button and select the desired filter. Remember, checking "Include Tool Bar Filters", the filters from main tool bar buttons will also be applied
- Game snapshots were being loaded three (3) times over at startup!

- Feature "Bios Sets [M.A.M.E.]" (main menu "Emulator"). Select a bios using custom game/driver settings
- Feature "Convert Snapshots". Snap files are automatically renamed after exiting MAME anyway
- Hidden games feature is no more. Wanna hide games from kids and stuff ? Easy... don't have the ROMs in your computer
... or edit "\arcade\mame.el" manually and remove the games you don't want (NEVER remove the first game of each section!)
- Multi-games loading feature removed (megatech, and others). This will not be supported by the frontend anymore. The folder "arcade\multi-games\" and its files can be deleted
"Classic" filter is gone (arcade filters). It's an old filter, when MAME only had Neo-Geo as a driver with external bios sets
- Support for "Screen Resolution", "Save State", "Audio Samples" infos is no more (MAME has LOTS of games without resolution info)
- Option "Display Image Label Info" ...pointless
- Support of following ZiNc features:
* Glide rendering settings ("ZiNc Settings" screen)
* Option "One Setting Per Line" from preferences screen (only single line settings from now on)
* Driver custom settings support (only game custom settings from now on)
- SEGA Model 2 Emulator default settings and custom game settings is no more. The settings file "emulator.ini" have a lot of comments and they were being removed every time you changed something with the frontend. Most option can be changed directly in the emulator anyway
- Emulator default settings for Demul is gone. You can set ALL options directly into the emulator, including ROMs folders
- Setting "Show Not Available Image" is gone. The "not available images" are always displayed now
- Delphi component "VirtualTreeView" is not used anywhere on the project anymore... references and component links completely removed from the project
- More source code clean-up.

- Frontend documentation files accessible in "Help" main menu
- Support for latest MAME build
- New "Extra Filters" button in main tool bar. All filters from the main menu "Game Filters" are here now. The main reason ? To remind you that these filters exist! They are also saved/restored on restart from now on
* New filter: "Audio Type" (extra filters tool bar button):
* Standard Audio: most games, using sound chips
* Discrete Audio: games that use discrete sound circuits
* Wave Sample Audio: games that use external .wav samples for sound
- XML .dat file for "SEGA Model 2 Emu" v1.0 finally added :)

Download: EmuLoader v6.1.7
Source: Here


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