
NEWS: GameBoy Online (2011/07/19)

EmuCR: GameBoy OnlineGameBoy Online is a Game Boy and GameBoy Color emulator written in Javascript. It strives to be efficient and try to have a perfect compatibility. Currently the execution speed is not optimal even on browsers. For example on Chrome, which is nevertheless deemed to run Javascript faster on a PC running Windows 7 64-bit version with a double heart 2 CPUs at 2.2 GHz, games run at normal speed but almost skipping some frames.

The sound production is still experimental and rather poor quality. The video portion is by HTML5 or by creating images with BMP string URI. State backups are implemented using the object window.localStorage and are serialized / deserialized JSON. Ditto for backup SRAM.

EmuCR: GameBoy Online

Recent Changes:
- Some cleanups.
- Added option to vary the speed of the emulator (speed increase).
- Optimization of the emulation of the APU.
- Update the way of sound management (optimization and increase the generation of possible samples in Xaudiojs).
- Update of the management of AMD.
- Optimize cache x-coord of DMG for rendering sprites (cache that connects the OAM addresses the coordinates-X with a stack of the priority right).
- Display of the frame only once per iteration of the loop of the interpreter.

News Source: Here


  1. Chrome runs it way slower than firefox. It runs fullspeed on firefox 4 and 5.


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