
Taito Type X Frontend v0.7 Beta

EmuCR: Taito Type X FrontendThanks PpmeiS for submitting news
Taito Type X Frontend v0.7 Beta is released. Taito Type X Frontend is a small Taito Type X frontend, simple and convenient to use.

The project started as a joke only to reduce the number of icons on my desktop, and with a bit of work I present to you a small frontend, simple and convenient to use. Do not expect anything as magnificent, remembering that it is a BETA version and there is still much work to be done. Test and let your opinions, over time I will release new versions with improvements.

1 - Extract the program into a new folder. (If it's an update I recommend that you delete the folder "LoL_Data" or "LoLData" first.)
2 - Open the Frontend, click "Configure" and choose the directories for the games.
3 - The folder "Roms" is now unnecessary, but for those who want to continue using old-style frontend It comes preconfigured with them selected.

Just replace the images in the folder "Images", avoid changing the names. Format: JPG, preferred resolution: 395x222.

Taito Type X Frontend v0.6 Beta Changelog:
- Added "rotation" for vertical games. This process is difficult and be done with external apps. The frontend (mostly) automaticaly maximize game window. Included DXWND version translated by myself.
- Added function to prevent multiple executions, so now it's only possible to be one instance opened.
- Some Fixes in source code, general optimizations.

Known Bugs:
Some problems could appeare with rotation function:
- Only works if "Irotate" was able to rotate your screen.
- When returning from a vertial game it's necessary to press ESC with frontend focused to fix resolution, the automatic process was too buggy.
- Sadly Irotate set screen to 60Hrz without any option to modify them.
- Raiden IV reject focus command, so you must maximized manually with ALT+ESPACE+X. To close use ALT+TAB for return to the frontend and press ESC to close the window.
- GigaWing Generations some times confused "maximize" window command with "restore" window, so use ALT+ESPACE to restore the window manually and then ALT+ESPACE+X to maximize them.
-All vertical games could bug due to system delay, so sometimes will work perfectly or not.
- When ESC is pressed Frontend window sets in left side of the screen.
- I have included a function to hide taskbar, but it was too buggy. So the only way to hide it is checking "Hide taskbar automaticly" option in Taskbar properties.

EmuCR: Taito Type X Frontend

Download: Taito Type X Frontend v0.7 Beta
Source: Here


  1. If someone got this to work, please detail how your file structure works in the ROMS folder. Thanks!

  2. This one even better:


    Anyway, thanks for the post!

  3. @2

    Much better indeed! Thanks for the heads up!

  4. Not at all. Fortunately not only flamers here...

  5. Come on... let's be fair. I know it's a matter of opinion but you can't argue that ArcadePCs Loader interface really is much better laid out, has more options and has no useless language specific info like "glitches: nenhum até o momento"


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