
JavaCPC Desktop v1.1

EmuCR: JavaCPC DesktopJavaCPC Desktop v1.1 is released. JavaCPC Desktop is a brand new Amstrad CPC emulator. It is based on JEMU and is an extremely improved release from JavaCPC 6.7. JavaCPC Desktop is designed to be used on Windows systems only, but maybe can run also on other systems, but a few features will be missing then.

JavaCPC is no freeware any longer!
It's new license is "Donationware".

What does this mean?

- JavaCPC and all of it's contents are free, and are allowed to be shared.
- It's available sources are not complete but you are allowed to use them.
- If you register JavaCPC, please also think about a little donation.
(JavaCPC consumes much time in it's development)
- The only legal downloadplace is: http://sourceforge.net/projects/javacpc/
or also http://cpc-live.com
- Other people who wants to offer JavaCPC on their own webpages, please contact me
under webmaster@cpc-live.com

What is new, what can I expect as a JavaCPC 6.7 user?

JavaCPC Desktop is a completely rewritten emulator, which offers you a big spectrum of apps and tools.
It comes with it's own desktop!

The tools and apps:
- Integrated Z80 Assembler: Feel free to create your own programs in Z80 Assembler. Compile them directly into the CPC's ram.
- Improved Debugger
- Virtual Keyboard: You cannot find your key you need? Use the virtual Keyboard then.
- Alarm Clock: A simple alarm clock, which reminds you when you have something else to do.
- YM-Control: Record and playback your own YM files.
- Manage DSK (Windows only!): Copy files from your PC on a DSK or vice versa.
- Audio Capture: Record your favourite CPC sound as WAV file.
- TapeDrive: A fully controllable virtual tape drive. Supports CSW, CDT, WAV and MP3
- JavaCPC Paint: Paint your own screens in normal mode or also as Overscan pictures. Convert existing images to CPC format.
(Supported import-Formats: PCX, TGA, BMP, PNG, GIF, JPG, SNA)
- Mandelbrot: A simple app to paint Mandelbrot fractals directly on the CPC screen.
- Tiled Mapeditor: You can use it to create game maps etc...
- Poke Finder: A simple tool to find PEEKS and POKES to cheat in games.
- Calculator: A scientific calculator which understands string input with brackets etc...
- WebBrowser: A webbrowser
- GameBrowser: Don't waste your time by downloading hundreds of CPC games without checking them! Just load them directly into the emulator and play them.
- Virtual Floppy: A little thingie to see what your virtual disc drive does.
- SubPopRadio: Listen to the best CPC-tunes available in WWW!
- JavaCPC Chat: Chat with other JavaCPC users all over the world. (Experimental)
- Favourites: Add and load your favourite DSK, CDT or SNA files with a few mouseclicks only!
- DSK2CDT: Simple filetransfer to copy files from an existing DSK file on a new CDT file (Windows only!)
- And much more!!!

JavaCPC Desktop v1.1 Changelog:
- Z80 emulation core improved. MEMPTR register fully emulated now,
some small bugs fixed.
LDI, LDD fixed.
- JavaCPC Paint: Many bugfixes and improvements.
- Debugger: MEMPTR register info and IM status added.
- YM Player overhauled
- JavaCPC Expansion ROM updated
- Joystick libraries and joypad emulation added.
- Replaced annoying dialog when drag & drop is used to load a DSK
- Display improvement for SuperPAL filter (faster now)
- Logic bugfixes in emulation core
- several smaller bugfixes
- PPI bugfix (Storing of SNA fixed and also PPI info in debugger is correct now) Thanks to TFM for finding this bug!

EmuCR: JavaCPC Desktop

Download: JavaCPC Desktop v1.1
Source: Here


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