
Snes9x EX v1.4.2 for Android

EmuCR: Snes9x EXSnes9x EX v1.4.2 for Android is released. Snes9x EX is an SNES/Super Famicom emulator written in C++ for Android, iOS, WebOS. It uses the emulation backend from Snes9x and is built on top of the Imagine engine.

* Accurate emulation and similar compatibility to Snes9x 1.43 on the PC
* Full quality 44KHz stereo sound
* Supports games in .smc, .sfc, .fig, and .1 formats, optionally in .zip files
* Super Scope support, touch screen to fire, touch off-screen to push Cursor button
* Mouse Support, see Snes9x EX section on website for instructions
* Configurable on-screen multi-touch controls & keyboard support (needs Android 2.1+ for multi-touch, up to 3 touches supported at once)
* Multiplayer-capable Wiimote + Classic Controller and iControlPad support (no need to purchase a separate app)
* Backup memory and save state support, auto-save and ten manual slots for save states. State files from Snes9x 1.43 should work on Snes9x EX and vice-versa.
* Portrait/Landscape auto-orientation support

Snes9x EX v1.4.2 for Android Changelog:
- Adjusted sound pitch and interpolation enabled
- Fix a crash setting the on-screen D-Pad off with L/R on it
- Support all possible Android key maps. Note: you must re-configure your keys due to config file changes
- Pause game if active behind another window
- Auto save-states can be saved after 15/30mins
- GPU Sync Hack option to work around broken OpenGL drivers on some phones. Only enable if you experience OS lock-ups
- Increased the bounding box size for the fast-forward on-screen control

Emulator for the SNES/Super Famicom based on Snes9x 1.43. Snes9x EX is the only properly licensed port of Snes9x on the Market. Virtually all other SNES emulators available are also based on it but force you to views ads or pay for the app in violation of the its non-commercial license. Furthermore, many of these apps are from scam developers who constantly remove and repost them under different names to rip off unsuspecting users. This app will always be 100% free and I'll answer any questions related to it on the official Snes9x message boards.

No ROMs are included with this app and must be supplied by the user. A number of public domain games/demos are available at www.pdroms.de. Transfer games anywhere to your SD card and browse to them from within the app (default SD card directory is /mnt/sdcard). Enable the Direct Texture option if supported by your device to increase performance (don't enable if you experience lockups). On fast devices with 60hz displays like the Xoom, set frameskip to 0. You can use the .sav files from other SNES apps by making a copy and changing the extension to .srm.
Visit the homepage at explusalpha.com for more info, ports for other platforms, and my other apps. Please report any crashes or device-specific problems via email (include your device name and OS version) so future updates continue to run on as many devices as possible. Also, please refrain from emailing requests for ROMs and instead read the preceding paragraph :)

EmuCR: Snes9x EX
EmuCR: Snes9x EX
EmuCR: Snes9x EX

Download: Snes9x EX v1.4.2 for Android
Source: Here


  1. omg the SNES9x v.1.4.2 can't be found ANYWHERE on the android market! What has happened???? It was so good :(

  2. Why is it being removed from the market?


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