
ZXMAK.NET v2.4.3.0 Beta

ZXMAK.NET v2.4.3.0 Beta is released. ZXMAK.NET is the Free .NET ZX Spectrum Emulator, written in C#. ZXMAK.NET is an emulator of the 1980s home computer and various clones, that can work on various platforms with .NET environment.

ZXMAK.NET v2.4.3.0 Beta Changelog:
- added feature to override ROMS.ZIP with files in ROMS folder (good for ROM-mods and ROM experiments)
- ULA ATM: fix attribute decoding
- ULA ATM: implement fast 640x200 rendering
- ULA ATM: added 320x200 mode
- ULA ATM: added palette port
- ULA ATM: fix incompatibility with non ATM memory
- Memory Map: added TRDOS & SHADOW lines state
- default palette for ULA's changed


Download: ZXMAK.NET v2.4.3.0 Beta
Source: Here


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