
Surreal64 CE B5.52u

EmuCR: Surreal64 CESurreal64 CE B5.52u is released. Surreal64 CE is a continuation of the Surreal64 project where Team XXX left off. Originally developed by oDD and Lantus, Surreal64 included ports of three Win32 based Nintendo64 emulators including 1964, Project64 and UltraHLE.

Surreal64 CE B5.52u Changelog:
Surreal64 CE B5.52u
-unofficial patch

This is package is an unofficial patch containing some experimental work that took place after B5.5's release.


-Trigonometric analog sensitivity. 2 new analog sensitivity settings exist. "Increasing" uses a tangent wave to make the analog stick more responsive as it moves away from its center position. This could compensate for the stiffness of the XBox's control stick and make it "feel" better. "Decreasing" uses a sine wave to gradually decrease sensitivity as the control stick approaches the outer edge.

-Rice 6.12 Software Vertex Clipper. This fix utilizes the Software Vertex Clipper used in Rice Video 5.60. Several games no longer crash and newer ucodes can be utilized. Diddy Kong Racing, F-Zero X and Perfect Dark are among the most notably fixed games. Keep in mind this uses software and will result in a CPU hit.

Simply overwrite your .xbe's with those bundled in this package.

Download: Surreal64 CE B5.52u
Source: Here


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