
1964 SVN r104

EmuCR: 19641964 SVN r104 is released. 1964 is a free Open Source N64 Emulator. It is one of the top Nintendo emulators arround that you can get with a high game compatibility rate.

1964 SVN Changelog
1964 Core:
Ability to overclock N64 to get higher framerates or to underclock to get better performance. (1964Ultrafast by RetroRalph)

Download: 1964 SVN r104
Source: Here


  1. Could this solve the problem with Blast Corps? It is being displayed way too fast, even with "Speed Limit" on...
    But everything else is better than with other N64-Emus on Win. Keep it up :D

  2. Ooops mixed this up with 1964 Mod Final... where everything is looking fine (even the small TV-Screen in-game is displayed properly - a thing no emulator could do AFAIK!)
    Tested anyway. Looks good so far. Maybe the guys from the two projects should join forces, filling the gap p64 left behind and creating a good N64-Emu?

  3. Remember that these are just commits, not releases. These devs don't even know that emuCR is compiling every revision they ever commit.

  4. Me again (#1&2):
    As fas as I could read from one discussion on The Source Site, they are aware NOW. They have been informed by one of the devs on January 7th ^^ - talk about coincidence XD


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