
YoshiNes v0.4

EmuCR: YoshiNesYoshiNes v0.4 is released. YoshiNes is a NES emulator based on the Basic Nes.

YoshiNes v0.4 Changelog:
- Rearranged the menus
- Added pallete viewer
- Added Pattern Table viewer
- Little fixes in mapper 228 (Action 52 still unplayable)
- Added mapper 47 (partial)
- Added mapper 212 (10000000 in 1 and other multicarts) partial
- Fixed mapper 146, now working perfect
- Some minor bugfixes

EmuCR: YoshiNes

Download: YoshiNes v0.4
Source: Here


  1. OMG!!! enough with nes emulation!!!! WTF is going on!!?!? why do people keep developing nes emulators?!!??! havent you guys ever heard of nestopia?!!??

  2. @Anonymous 2,

    NES emulator is a good emulator to begin with when you're a beginner. It's just some practice before you're making something that requires more knowledge. Don't be mean and dumb now.


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