
Jnes v1.1

Jnes v1.1 is released. Jnes is a NES emulator for win32 platforms that uses DirectX for it's hardware interface. It's emulation capabilities include graphics, sound, input devices, and emulating quite a few memory mapping boards found in most USA games and a few popular japanese ones. Jnes boasts a fairly intuitive user interface that makes playing NES a little more enjoyable. One of the coolest features is the included database of Pro-Action-Replay and Game Genie cheats.

Jnes v1.1 Changelog:
I'm happy to release 1.1 finally, it has a few key features users have been asking for a while, such as HQ filters and that cheat search Gent waited a few years for! Additionally there is many bug fixes that make this a worth while update. One enhancement I'm particularly excited about is the new browser box-art rendering, it's a nice step up from the previous release if you are using that.

As always many thanks to Gent for his motivation and help over the last few years, as well as the users who have left feedback during that time as well.

Download: Jnes v1.1


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