
lsnes rr1 delta1

lsnes rr1 delta 1 is released. lsnes is SNES rerecording emulator based on bsnes core.

lsnes rr1-Δ1 Changelog:
- Raw audio/video dump
- Fix unattended dumping
- Build the win32 build with compat core instead of accuracy.

Using compat core instead of accuracy gives about 2x speed and should only affect Air Strike Patrol (which uses graphics effects Compat can't emulate).

Download: lsnes rr1 delta1


  1. Except MF, all servers are down through different post, could RS be added as mirror?

  2. Just go to Source link above and they have their own link to download.

  3. #2 UR right, but that not always happens.
    Tell me where to download the Atari emu below for example.

  4. Keep trying. :)

    If you are asking for Atari800 SVN r2133 then click source link and click download. There you should see "SourceForge.net download area." in highlight and click that. It will lead you to the next one. Click highlight one -- :Download atari800-2.2.1-winsdl.zip (818.2 kB): and wait for count to go down and it will automatically pop up on your screen and just download it. :)

  5. #2/4 Following your directions i DONT get the Atari800 ---> SVN r2133 <---, i get the latest NON SVN build.
    Thanks for trying to help but i guess YOU should keep trying :)

  6. source emufrance.com

  7. byuu is the guy behind the best snes emu BSNES, always says that accuracy is the only thing that matter,(no hacks of anything} if one thing works on real hardware and not in the emu then is the emus fault ,simple as that,take care kiddo and learn to read next time.


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