
Supermodel SVN r250

EmuCR: SupermodelSupermodel SVN r250 is released. Supermodel is a Sega Model 3 arcade emulator. Supermodel emulates Sega's Model 3 arcade platform, allowing you to play a number of ground-breaking 3D classics on your PC.

Supermodel SVN Changelog:
Added support for multiple texture sheets (with up to one per Model 3 texture format) as a rather brute-force way to handle overlapping texture formats in the current 3D engine. This fixes some corrupt textures in Daytona 2 and Virtua Striker 2 (and possibly other games) and also offers a small speed increase when some scenes load multiple overlapping textures.
This feature only enables itself when a compatible shader script is loaded. Since none have been checked in yet this means it is currently disabled.
Added OSD/Video.h to provide OSD-dependent video functionality. The static functions in here get called by Model3.cpp from within the render thread so that any OSD related rendering can also be run in parallel for a further speed increase.
Updated OSD/SDL/Main.cpp to provide the SDL implementations of the functions in OSD/Video.h.
Updated fragment shaders' floating point comparisons and also some knock-on changes from SVN revision 246.
-This line, and those below, will be ignored--
M Shaders/Fragment_Flat.glsl
M Shaders/Fragment_NoSpotlight.glsl
- NOTE: In this revision (possibly earlier), I've started to notice some intermittent geometry glitches in Spikeout and slowdown while playing certain characters.
- Added multi-texture fragment shader to repo.
- Added a multiTexture option (enabled by default) to use multi-texturing to decode textures.
- Added some comments regarding timing to the PowerPC execution loop.
Default SCSP balance set to 0. Was erroneously set at +50%.

Download: Supermodel SVN r250 x86
Download: Supermodel SVN r250 x64
Source: Here


  1. what is the password for rar file? ty

  2. Awesome we can finally enjoy full speed in many games

  3. There isn't any info on this at the official site and this thing runs like crap. I wonder if this is even recent...

  4. It's the most up to date build I think. If it runs like crap your computer is either too old or bogged down with apps.

  5. Incredible improvements. Add the following lines to the config:

    Balance = 1
    MultiTexture = 1
    WideScreen = 1
    GPUMultiThreaded = 1

    If you are on dual core with an nvidia card try setting the nvidia setting to "force vsync off"

    Daytona 2 runs dreamy :D

  6. No passwords are required. However the "64 bit" version gets an error ("loadlibrary failed with error 998 invalid access to memory location"). if you have 64 bit OS, try the x86 version instead.

    supermodel gamename.zip -options

    (fullscreen mode also seems to have problems)

  7. I dont care about Daytona but The Lost World is awesome!

  8. 64-bit version working on Windows 7 x64 perfectly fine here, tested Daytona 2, Scud Race, Star Wars Trilogy, all worked well and ran well.

  9. Also, apparently save states screw things up. Delete your nvram (*.nv files) before you start the emulator (I had to do this each time to get it to work).

    Full screen and wide-screen modes actually work fine, as long as you delete the nvram first.


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