
Supermodel-UI SnapPack v1

EmuCR: Supermodel-UISupermodel-UI SnapPack v1 is released. This is a Snap Pack for Supermodel-UI. Supermodel-UI is a frontend for the Windows Supermodel port.

Supermodel-UI features:
- Easy and light weight interface.
- User icons and snapshots support.
- Until 4 diferent ROM, icons and snapshots path locations at same time.
- Input configuration (will be improved in future releases).
- Game time and play count support.
- Dynamic gamelist and options discovery (works with all versions of Supermodel).
- All games emulated are supported to launch.
- No extra configurations files needed.
- New Supermodel 0.3a options availables.
- First release! more features are coming soon...

Download: Supermodel-UI SnapPack v1
Source: Here


  1. Dự án Eco Green City CT2 Nguyễn Xiển
    Chung cư Dự án Five Star Kim Giang Thanh Xuân Hà Nội
    Căn hộ Chung cư Rivera Park Vũ Trọng Phụng mở bán
    Dự án Riverside Garden Vũ Tông Phan
    Dự án cao cấp chủ đầu tư HDI chung cư The Golden Palm Lê Văn Lương
    Paragon Tower Duy Tân Cầu Giấy
    Chung cư quận Thanh Xuân 82 Nguyễn Tuân


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