
Pokopom PSX Pad Plugin v1.11

Pokopom PSX Pad Plugin v1.11 is released. Pokopom is a PSEmu Pro pad plugin that emulates a DualShock1 and DualShock2 controller for PS1 and PS2 emulators respectively. It only uses XInput, so as to avoid the DirectInput troubles with X360 controllers. It currently has no configuration available, and defaults to use the first and second XInput controllers as pad1 and pad2 respectively.

Pokopom PSX Pad Plugin function
- Supports rumble.
- Extended analog sticks range. (for games like Ape Escape)

Pokopom PSX Pad Plugin v1.7c Changelog:
1.11 - 2012-02-23
After gathering some analog stick data I saw the corner cases where
always beyond the ideal circle, so I now extend only when that happens.
This means, almost no range is lost in order to reach the corners. =D
Also an extra check to stop vibration on pause.
Analog data: http://www.mediafire.com/?7bk7udrd8e5d3mt

1.10 - 2012-02-23
Some guesswork at command 0x40, and some bugfix at command 0x4F. That
fixed some games not detecting the Dualshock2 controller. Also, fixed
the deadzone which was bugged.
1.9 - 2012-02-20
New vibration curve, tested specially to feel nice on Chrono Cross's
intro. Also, a guitar build for X360 Guitar owners that wanna play
Guitar Hero in PCSX2. (really WIP)
1.8 - 2012-02-19
Vibration effects will last at least 150ms now to compensate for motor
delay. Makes some instant effects noticeable. And was about time to
change the version number. XD
1.7d - 2012-02-18
Follow up on the previous change, now the Scroll Lock led will be on
if either pad is with the analog mode on. If you try to switch it off
but cannot, that's because the pad is on lock mode.

Download: Pokopom PSX Pad Plugin v1.11
Source: Here


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