
Supermodel SVN r261

EmuCR: SupermodelSupermodel SVN r261 is compiled. Supermodel is a Sega Model 3 arcade emulator. Supermodel emulates Sega's Model 3 arcade platform, allowing you to play a number of ground-breaking 3D classics on your PC.

Supermodel SVN Changelog:
Applied Nik's fix for cyclical scene graphs. Improves Harley Davidson, Ski Champ, Emergency Call Ambulance, and Ocean Hunter.

Download: Supermodel SVN r261 x86
Download: Supermodel SVN r261 x64
Source: Here


  1. Can't wait until Star Wars is fixed!

  2. boyeahh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Holy shit, I'm literally going to download this right now just to see what games benefit from this amazing "Fix" [/sarcasm].

    Serious note, If you are intending on picking up a open-source project then how about actually doing some fixes that benefit the emulator rather than some pedantic fix that does fuck all.
    It reminds of nullDC lately, "Fix some obscure nonsense", followed up by "Reverted to some obscure nonsense", followed by "Fixed something that does something or maybe even nothing".

    1. Wow copy and paste your moans for other emulators thats really lazy trolling

  4. star wars !!!!! КЛАСС!!! CLASS!!!


  5. Old copypasta is old.

  6. #6 Every game is out of this bugs.
    There is 4 diferent PCB Board versions 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.1.
    So don´t complicate more!

  7. Happy April Fool's Day everyone!

  8. @11
    First of all, you're generalizing the internet way too much. Not all people, or groups of people are the same. Thinking that's simply how it works is being ignorant.

    Second of all, it's 100% subjective if the emu's better now, as apposed to then. It's called an opinion, the concept you seem to be overlooking completely.

    Personally, I don't like this rendition at all. It just sounds terrible. The emu is worse than ever, the emu are still bland and unoriginal(As I assume it was supposed to be), and the emu sounds forced. But hey, that's just my opinion on it.

    Also, I don't know about your experiences online, people don't have usually have a "Fear of change" from my experiences. You see, it's completely subjective whether or not they like the changes.

    Also, once again on the topic of subjectivity, the word awesome is completely subjective. So you sort of "shot your self in the foot" there.

  9. 1. Its FREE
    2. Your not contributing anything except temper tantrums
    3. Your other choice is to go out and spend $1000's of dollars on the real working cab's

    Quit your bitchin.


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