
NEWS: PS1 Games Now Playing On PS Vita (2012/05/20)

Well Sony have been promising the ability to play PS1 games on the PS Vita since its release, something they have failed to manage, which has angered a lot of PS Vita owners, but thankfully to an anonymous developer, the ability to run PS1 games has been made possible.

At the moment there is no sound, here is a quote from the video source:

This is a PSX game running on PSVita through the PSP Emulator. Nothing special, just showing what you can do with PSP Emulator kernel access. The sound doesn’t work yet. If I get that working, I’ll share you guys the code to get POPS.

Your anonymous Dev

Now before people start saying “but this is only through the PSP Emulator”, we know, but it is better than nothing and far better trhan what Sony have managed to provide this far.

Source: Here


  1. wot is it with sony.....they want you to buy there stuff....but wont continue with the backwards compatabillity.wot a load of crap.....no wonder people like to download there stuff....look sony start giving the gamers wot they want and stop pissing around with wot people want and the sony product will go in the shit house.

  2. ive herd microsoft are doing it with there xbox720...it wont play preownd games.....and y are they doing that....because there there losing money...would love to see how there going to pull that off tho.all i can say is nobody will buy the shit thing.lol
    at the rate there all going nobody will be buying anything.

  3. It is a very very very bored, PSP OLD was running ps1 games perfectly ,

    where is the new ??

    ps2 games , yes oh yes , but NOT.

  4. Esto es muy aburrido , triste, desalentador, perdida de tiempo o nos quieren engaƱar, que tipo de novedad es esta???

    la psp vieja ya movia juegos de ps1 perfectamente

    la ps vista SI DIGO VISTA y no vita , ya que me resulta igual de mala que el vista, porque hasta la fecha no se ha visto su potencial ni de lejos,

    Y ademas no mueve juegos de ps2 algo que prometio y luego va a ser que no


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