
D-Fend Reloaded v1.3.1

EmuCR:D-Fend ReloadedD-Fend Reloaded v1.3.1 is released. D-Fend Reloaded is a graphical environment for DOSBox. DOSBox emulates a complete computer including the DOS commandline and allows to run nearly all old DOS based games on modern hardware with any of the newer Windows versions

D-Fend Reloaded v1.3.1 Changelog:
- Korean language file (thanks to Decon).
- Updated Italian language file.
- Updated French and French Canada language files.
- Updated DOSZip from 2.27 to 2.33.
- When showing the DOSBox conf file / ScummVM ini file D-Fend Reloaded will add
the command line parameters used when starting DOSBox / ScummVM as a comment
in the file.
- The file icon of the emulator program file will be used when displaying the
user-defined emulators in the profile filter tree now.
- Improved auto detection of ScummVM when installing ScummVM after installation
of D-Fend Reloaded.
- [Fix] User-defined command line parameters were ignored when running ScummVM.
- [Fix] Hiding the ScummVM console did not work on newer ScummVM versions.
- [Fix] Error message when adding a ScummVM based game via the wizard and not
"Show all pages" was selected on the first page of the wizard.
- [Fix] Changing settings on the DOSBox CVS features page of the program
settings dialog could damage default values for render modes etc.
- [Fix] Some labels in the profile editor were not large enough for the Italian

Download: D-Fend Reloaded v1.3.1
Source: Here


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