
JoyToKey v5.1.2

EmuCR: JoyToKeyJoyToKey v5.1.2 is released. This software is a keyboard emulator for joysticks. It converts joystick input into keyboard input (and mouse input).Use it when you want to control an application with joysticks that doesn't support joystick input. If you wish, you can control even Word, Excel, etc. with joysticks!

* Configuration for maximum 16 joysticks.
* Multiple configuration files
You can make many configuration files and choose it at any time.
* Support for many useful features...
o Automatic shooting of buttons
o Mouse emulation (including wheel input)
o "Adjust mouse movements" function
When it's pressed, mouse movement(or wheel rotation) becomes faster (or slower).
* "Switch to the other configuration file" function
You can switch to and activate the other configuration file with the button which is assigned to this function.
* "Use the setting of other joystick number temporarily" function
(Something like "shift" command of SNESKey. For example, you may usually use joystick1 for keyboard emulation, but during this button being pressed, joystick3's configuration (that emulates mouse or something) will temporarily be used. Note that joystick3 is not a real joystick, it's a virtual device to .)

JoyToKey v5.1.2 Changelog:
- The combination of the SHIFT key and cursor keys, (multiple selection) is well specified range Fixed a bug that was not performed.
- Other minor bug fixes

Download: JoyToKey v5.1.2
Source: Here


  1. thanks to the all emucr team for the improvment but most important thing is first joytokey mouse

    emulation needs continuous acceleration when cursor exceed %100 that is allow to quick returns

    and second it needs more smooth mouse movement when pressing analog sticks and third thing is

    crucial joytokey sniper mouse assistant when press the aim button whatever it is mouse

    acceleration going to slow down and more and more accurate and allow to most accurate shots in

    the game. thanks a lot all of you

  2. dump-ass, JTK software is the developer and make the improvments.

  3. sikik, bilmeden konuşma, götün yiyorsa anonim olmadan konuş, kim olduğunu bilelim ona göre götünün rengini görelim

  4. haha, Nelo Angelo actually thought that the EmuCR staff made this program. And Nelo is a member instead of anonymous. But yet he still is dumber than any anonymous for thinking that. You are supposed to be all wise and intelligent since you are a member and we are not... right? You think you are better than the rest of us. But you're not! And Your original post proves it.

  5. Amk.bah la hale bıdı bıdı yapıo ,sikerler o götü sonrada JoyToKey v5.1.2 sokar ayar çekerler MoFo yu start playa mi fat joytoy v.19cm ,naw get outa here

  6. Surely the name for this software is wrong ?

    Joytokey suggests joysticks commands emulated by a keyboard, whereas a name like Keytojoy properly suggests keyboard commands emulated by a joystick.

    Lastly, still cannot publish comments via Chrome (latest v19), or Firefox, only IE9. Click publish and the comment just vanishes, nothing else.

  7. Anonymous #7

    I think you need ToJoyKey 8.0 for your web browser.


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