
MameUI v0.146u1

EmuCR:MameUIMameUI v0.146u1 is released. MameUI [formerly Mame32] is the GUI version of the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator, a program which seeks to document the internal hardware and code of all arcade games. Originally authored in 1997 by Chris Kirmse, it was the first port of Mame™ to the Windows platform.


Download: MameUI v0.146u1 x86
Download: MameUI v0.146u1 x64
Source: Here


  1. How come the official MAMEUI website has not released the 32-bit version of MAMEUI 0.146u1 yet?

  2. dunno, but who cares, 32 bits is obsolete since long time ago, also winxp will be totally obsolete on 2015, upgrade your pc, just check for drivers

  3. @2
    You're nuts!
    You know as much about it as the man in the moon but talk nonsense.

  4. I don't get the moon joke, can you explain mr. troll #3?

    I think troll#2 talks about why someone would want a ram limited mame release if you can easily use the 64 bit version

  5. So much spam on this site, that's why anon comments should be closed, that depressed Spambot it's annoying

  6. ^ thats what your mama said to you kid?, hahahaha, im so funny

  7. I am facing very slow start up & audit. Anyone with the same issue?


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