
rpcs3 SVN r40

EmuCR: rpcs3 rpcs3 SVN r40 is compiled. rpcs3 is an open source PlayStation 3 (PS3) emulator for the Microsoft Windows. Current versions can run only small homebrew for PS3. Developers are planning to make it to emulate PS3 on its speed in the near future.

rpcs3 purpose:
- Make PS3 developers easily test their apps and homebrews on PC without crashing their PS3 or moving their apps from PC to PS3.
- Just playing PS3 games on your PC and have fun! ( In the future )

rpcs3 SVN Changelog:
- Code cleanup.

- Emulated more instructions & syscalls.

- Fixed loading sys_proc_prx_param section.

- Implemented OpenGL gs renderer.
- Added gs_basic_triangle.elf (test for OpenGL gs renderer, work correctly).

- Fixed some log messages.

Download: rpcs3 SVN r40
Source: Here


  1. i can finally play bayonetta at 55 fps on my core 2 duo

    this emu rocks!

  2. hahaha, it was funny, Noooot

    Seriously, that joke was funny the first 999939939338489384 times, but not anymore

    if someone is wondering, this emu needs at least 5 to 10 years of work

  3. lies, im already playing ps3 games in my peecee you fool

  4. Its a joke or real fact ? you can play bayoneta in this emu ? please reply ( do not troll )

  5. 5-10 years? depends how fast they are working on it. and people always think that technology inceases slower than it does. when n64 came. they said that its going to take around 50 years before games looks photorealistic. and when 500mhz was the fastest cpu they said that 1ghz cpu would need a fan with the size of a window to be able to cool it down etc... never underestimate sience and technology

  6. wow, so upsetting. Are you really that mad at #3. did you try any no luck?

  7. Anon #5 has a really good point within the last 8-10 years technology has skyrocketed so who knows how soon or late we will beable to "properly" emulate ps3. And guys not 10 years thats retarded to think, if there are dedicated hard working developers on this emulator it shouldnt be long before were playing ps3 at reasonable framerates, who knows. Thats my opinion.

  8. The biggest slow down for the development of the PS3 emu was it's hardware protection, it actually took a couple of years till it was properly jailbroken, so there was basically nothing to do.
    So that's at least a few years of a setback. Taking that into consideration, console's power is just miles ahead of PS2, so hardware wise it does have to play catch up.

    My prediction the PS3 emulator will be at the stage of PCSX2 0.9.4 when the PS4 reaches the end of it's lifespan, assuming they don't once again prolong consoles life with the stupid gadgets like they are doing now (and probably will), what I mean is something like 4-6 years from now for it to be a capable emu, in terms of playing most commercially acclaimed games without major game-breaking bugs.

    Thing is PCs are stupidly powerful today, but it's not exactly up for comparison when it comes to emulation as some of you may know that.

    About what Anon #5 said, thing is current CPU's which are the essential bit for emulation are really slowly advancing, yielding maybe 10%-15% (compared to GPU's average 30%+ jump on yearly basis) average improvement from the last gen, and that's been the case in last couple of years. But I'm sure once new consoles roll out they will step up the game, especially since game requirements are gonna skyrocket. Because almost every multiplatform game (unless it's a terrible terrible fault) looks miles better on a modern PC compared to console, but that's another story...

    I personally will be getting a PS3 for myself once PS4 rolls out, as I guess it will be pretty cheap by that time.


  9. Why are the versions different? The "Electracode" is JoyToKey 3.7.4. But the "JTK Soft" is JoyToKey 5.1.1. So I don't understand what are the differences? Which version is better?

  10. Anybody knows if these videos are fake? God of war III in Pc looks so real.. see both and tell me



  11. @ 12

    Fake. Any kind of PS3 emulator for windows deal you see anywhere is pretty much fake.

  12. @ Goran H. Thanks for reply..

    I believe you but you have to admit that the videos look very legit

  13. Wow, that would be great to play PS3 games on it one day. Hope you guys stick with it and it becomes big.

  14. give me eta of 2 month i m so close to make this emulator work with most of games. the only game i get to work at this stage is Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare and its been lagging a bit but working good........i have still some part of ps3 i dont know about but working hard to make the deam come true.....i m not an official dev but still got much knowledge to make this emu .......some of my friends are also working with me on this project hope to release our source soon with which other can also help............so stay tuned

    1. CoD4? Why not play the PC version

  15. lol becuz he is developing a ps3 emu daaaaa
    for start he is using low graphic games so he can goo further lol hope he is telling the truth

  16. PS3 and XBOX360 run at modern PC proficiency. Emulating a 3Ghz machine on a 5Ghz smokin overclocked PC isn't gonna cut it. They can just barely run PS2 games at full speed emulation now-because of its complex dual core architecture. PS3 has 12 cores(virtually), simple math. Need at least another generation or 2 of processor advancements before a "playable" 6th generation emulator is available for PC, other than Wii. By that time you'll be paying 5x as much for a new PC than the system itself. Some people just get their rocks off getting the audiences constipated with anticipation. Do some research.

  17. Give it about 2-3 years for a reliable PS3 and Xbox 360 emulator, no more. By then these consoles will be old and we should see next generation consoles and PCs will be even better to keep up with them.


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