
Lightning MAME Frontend v1.0.0

EmuCR:  Lightning MAME FrontendLightning MAME Frontend v1.0.0 is released. Lightning MAME Frontend is a MAME frontend designed for Linux and especially Ubuntu. It was created to be easy to use, very fast and focus on the essential features.

Hello everyone.

I would like to inform you about the release of a new MAME Frontend for Linux: Lightning MAME Frontend.

This frontend was created to be easy to use, easy to install, very fast and stable. It is built to integrate the essential features necessary to quickly search and launch a rom. I felt the need to create an additional frontend because I think most Linux frontend are either too complex or too buggy. Of course, it's also completely free.

So, if you think this program can be useful for others, spread the word!

EmuCR:  Lightning MAME Frontend

Download: Lightning MAME Frontend v1.0.0
Source: Here


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