
VGMToolbox SVN r895

VGMToolbox SVN r895 is released. VGMToolbox is a C# based tool to assist VGM collectors and dumpers. It includes tools to extract, optimize, and build VGM formats as well as auditing and exploration utilities. [GBS, KSS, MDX, NSF(E), SID, S98, SPC, VGM, XA, XMA, xSF (PSF/PSF2/etc)].

VGMToolbox SVN Changelog:
VGMToolbox r895

-= NEW =-
- Add tool to automate XMAsh > ToWav > SoX (for creating multi-channel WAVs). Allows for drag and drop XMA to WAV for formats supported by XMAsh.
- At this time vgmstream does not appear to support .POS files with multi-channel WAVs, so I'll look into that as time allows.
- SoX does not like input files with different sample rates, so the multi-channel WAV builder may need to be built from scratch in a future revision.

- Add Electronic Arts VP6 movie demultiplexing.
- Add ASF/WMV demultiplexing. For now, only raw stream extraction is supported. Rebuilding data into ASF containers is not yet supported.
- Updated THP demultiplexer to parse multi-channel audio files (multi-language). Some THP files have multiple audio blocks per frame. This splits each one into its own track.

-= FIXED =-
[GENH EDITOR] Updated to load Nintendo DSP coef offsets for files to be edited.

-= THANKS =-
Thanks to the MultiMedia Wiki for all of the valuable info about so many formats!
Thanks to Timo for EX VP6 demultiplexing testing and samples.
Thanks to hcs for XMAsh (and the -o output option he added long ago)

EmuCR: VGMToolbox

Download: VGMToolbox SVN r895
Source: Here


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