
UME v0.147

EmuCR: UME UME v0.147 is released. UME (Universal Machine Emulator) combines the features of MAME and MESS into a single multi-purpose emulator. The project represents a natural course of development for the emulators which already share large amounts of code and is part of an ongoing effort to unify development efforts and provide a single emulation platform for users and developers alike.

This is based on the official MAME 0.147 source release found on mamedev.org with no modifications. The binaries on offer here were compiled with ‘make all TARGET=ume’

The package contains both the 32-bit and 64-bit binaries, I’ve not included the source because it’s identical to the mamedev.org distribution.

Download: UME v0.147
Source: Here


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