
XM7 for SDL v0.3.2 Pre1

XM7 for SDL v0.3.2 Pre1 is released. XM7 is an excellent fujitsu Micro seven emulator for 7 platforms.

XM7 for SDL v0.3.2 Pre1 Changelog:
- Change OSDs from AG_Pixmap to XM7_SDLView, issue of Win32.(NEW!)
- Change file-io to SDL , issue of Win32.(NEW!)
- I18Ned menu using GNU Gettext.(NEW!)
- Bundle F-Font by モ〜リン for Original debuggeer.
- Fix "10 20" undefined opcode (as LBRA) was not recognaized(No other bugs on MPU? ^^;)
- Re-implement LEDS,FDDS,.. as Agar-Wieget.
- More faster video and sound, using Vector extension of GCC(NEW!). But not yet using CPU-specified functions.
- Build with gcc-4.4 (if 4.5 or later, or , 4.3 or earlier , maybe produce bugs on vector extensions; Fixed on resentry gites(NEW!)
- Multi-threaded drawing with Open MP(NEW!)
- Implement no-GL drawing, set -d sdlfb with commandline.(NEW!)
- But, on W=320, segfault (Fixed on recently git).(NEW!)
- More, more, Bug Fixed(NEW!)

Download: XM7 for SDL v0.3.2 Pre1
Source: Here


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