
Vba-ReRecording v23.6 (461)

EmuCR:VisualBoyAdvanceVba-ReRecording v23.6 (461) is released. VBA rerecording is the re-recording branch of VisualBoyAdvance. This is the development project for this branch of VBA. Its primary function is to expand features related to the creation of Tool-Assisted movies.

Vba-ReRecording v23.6 (461) changelog:
* Fixed buffer written out of range in savestate loading.
* Improved reset, more deterministic.
* Flash/EEPROM memory will now be initialized full with 0xFF instead of 0x00 the first time used. A new movie flag indicating whether this or the old behaviour will be taken when placyback is added to maintain backward compatibility with old GBA movies made with pre-v23.6. New GBA movies will have this flag on.

Download: Vba-ReRecording v23.6 (461)
Source: Here


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