
Happy New Year 2013!

EmuCR: Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! Thank you for visiting and commenting in the past year. With very best wishes for your happiness in the New Year. EmuCR.Com will become better and better!


  1. Best wishes! 2013 is a good & new beginning~~~~~

    1. Same to u bro nichole........ wish u happy happy new year 2013 to u and ur family :)

  2. Thank You Nichole & Jei for making such a great resource of compiled emulators for people like me who have no idea how to compile them ourselves, Keep up the great work!!! Thanks Again!!!

    Happy New Year 2013 to you & all.

  3. Happy New Year to all!!!! ;)

  4. Replies
    1. And again this douchbags continue to roll this fórum as a switch.
      I smell a lot of brazilians can´t even speak english correctly.
      Go back to facebook, you there are ok.

    2. What you mean by brazilians? e.e

      I'm very thankful for what Nichole and Jei does on this website and I'm proud of being brazilian! *^*

    3. I heard the news this week, English and American people are tired to read all the errors on a few brazillians are in facebook, speaking a big bad grammar in their messages.
      Search and Read on Gamevicio website...

      You really gonna to understand why they so selfish... and that´s why (i receive a bad welcome in all the emulator's website's)

  5. Good luck and great success in the coming New Year :)

  6. Happy New 2013 Year to emucr and i hope continues to give us good updates as they made on 2012.

    Cheers to all the people is really care and enjoy this Stuff.

  7. Selamt Tahun Baru 2013
    Happy New Year 2013


  8. Feliz año nuevo 2013 para todos los que a diario visitamos éste magnifico sitio. Saludos a todos.


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