
M1.XML 20130114

M1.XML 20130114 is released. M1.XML file for use with M1 - keeping up with changes in MAME. M1 plays the music from arcade games by running the code in the original ROMs (not supplied). This allows entirely authentic playback of classic video game tunes while you work.

M1.XML 20130114 Changelog:
strider2 - changed Qsound rom, but as a result M1 was unable to produce sound with it. So, using the old romset, the 4mb sound rom should be in a romset called "strider2osr". The normal MAME strider2 will have the cpurom needed.

scfinals, qadj and qtono2j all showed rom changes.

Download: M1.XML 20130114
Source: Here


  1. hi Nichole

    you took the source on emufrance, not on the main site of M1 XML... :)


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