
Romulus v0.017

EmuCR: RomulusRomulus v0.017 is released. Romulus is a tool. Romulus is a real alternative of your other Rom Managers.

EmuCR: Romulus

Romulus v0.017 Changlog:
- ADDED possibility to create fixdat using the popupmenu of main profiles list.
- ADDED Windows NT based OS users check at start and relaunch with administrator privileges. Seems in some computers is needed to elevate privileges to full work with Romulus, read registry, access or write in some system paths, etc. And in some cases access to integrated web navigator.
- ADDED Status colors to reports for HTML and DOC format.
- ADDED Code to optimize the release of RAM memory when Romulus closes.
- ADDED more and more security code to prevent exceptions
- ADDED UPX compression. It reduces EXE file size and can prevent memory problems.
- ADDED Table corruption check to prevent loading profiles errors.
- ADDED to log window a new button to enable or dissable autoresize of columns. Mr Ravik request.
- ADDED possibility to stop the importation process when is reading a unique compressed file but with more than one DAT inside.
- IMPROBED download files function. Now can connect more fast and download more fast using multiplart downloading method.
- IMPROBED speed when reseting counter at properties of profile.
- IMPROBED speed when rebuilding big number of files to same compressed file.
- IMPROBED speed when rebuilding inside compressed files when destination files contains hundreds of ROMs.
- IMPROBED detection of correct filenames inside Zip files when are UTF8.
- IMPROBED saving and displaying Web browser URLs lists.
- IMPROBED speed after inside compressed files deletion when compressed file has a big number of files inside.
- IMPROBED Flashing taskbar when a new window is open or closed and Romulus is not the current active application.
- IMPROBED Romulus minimize hook. Now Romulus can be minimized when modal windows are present.
- IMPROBED Integrated navigator compatibility forzing user agent as Mozilla/5.0
- IMPROBED Detection of ROMs. MD5 checksum as D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E is detected as bad dump and SHA-1 checksum DA39A3EE5E6B4B0D3255BFEF95601890AFD80709 too.
- IMPROBED Code to increase compatibility with Windows 8, don´t worry are only some details.
- CHANGED friendfix name is changed to fixdat, is the most common name of this kind of dat file.
- CHANGED Log window when is visible will continue enabled when other windows are showing.
- CHANGED When a extraction or reading compressed file fails. Now in log is displayed the inside compressed file failed filename.
- CHANGED registered last silent exception at error.log file.
- CHANGED columns of lists can not be resized less than 50pix.
- CHANGED download files function is set as trycount from 1 to 3.
- UPDATED CHDMAN 32 and 64 Bits versions to 0.147u3.
- STARTING Community module. At moment is dissabled it needs more coding time, but i wish will be available soon ;)
- FIXED found problem with Unrenamed IBM ISO Dat when CRC is FFFFFFFF. Now check other checksums if exists and remove wrong creation of Bad dump.
- FIXED locked application when trying to display a new window and main application is set as stay on top.
- FIXED inside zip counter bug that decrease speed of deleting inside files when zip content has only 1 file.
- FIXED Updater conflict between No-intro and Redump.org DATs when description name of DAT is same. Now author field is checked to know the correct DAT group.
- FIXED Updater Yori Yoshizuki DATs. His latest DATs has the same version number and Updater status information can be wrong. Now in his DATs are checked by date field too and correct version detection is done.
- FIXED Reading RAR files attributes that can cause a problem detecting ROMs.
- FIXED multiple file deletions in same operation of RAR files.
- FIXED Problems with modal windows when Romulus is hidden on trayicon.
- FIXED recovering stay on top status when other windows are closed and the main window is activated.
- FIXED Windows Vista users option activate drag'n drop from settings, now must work in all cases.
- FIXED problem sorting loaded profile by columns size and files count.
- FIXED sometimes counting sets/roms after import dats at complex profiles like MAME, after scans the counting was correct.
- FIXED creating fixdats when try to create more than one.
- FIXED fixdat correct sorting when profile has merged files.
- FIXED correct management of clausule SAMPLEOF in XML and old Clrmamepro DAT.
- FIXED correct merging of bioses when file mode is different than split/merged.
- FIXED importation status messages when a lot of profiles are importing quickly.
- FIXED unable to update offlinelist dat using main Updater option, else was possible using Scanner - updater option after load profile.
- FIXED freeze time when update profile importation process.
- FIXED freeze time when large files are uncompressed and moved using in scanner list popupmenu option.
- FIXED recursive access to get files list of protected folders like some inside Windows folder.
- FIXED some loses focus of objects when navigate from main button menus.
- FIXED visuals on Windows 8 when form close button is dissabled and enabled then is showed as dissabled but works.
- FIXED EAccessViolation exception that some rare cases makes infinite loop when is running a thread process.
- FIXED Cannot make a visible window modal exception.
- FIXED more and more minor bugs found.

Download: Romulus v0.017
Source: Here


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